Social Media – SEO Services Land Helping businesses succeed Sun, 24 Sep 2023 20:55:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Media – SEO Services Land 32 32 Five Instagram Experiments to Try in 2019 Mon, 22 Apr 2019 05:22:25 +0000 In 2019, Instagram becomes more focus on the social media market and more and more brands and companies are hoping to take advantage of the rapid growth of social scene focused images.

However, there are many different ways to run Instagram as a business, brand, or personal agency. To help you get started, there are five Instagram attempts here, and you should consider improving Insta’s post-2019 activity.

  1. UGC re-use on Instagram

User Generated Content (WPL) is all embarrassing and has become a real opportunity to engage audiences at a more meaningful level. Indeed, UGC ads have a 4-fold CPC rate and a 50% CPC reduction.

Viewers feel more typical of seeing the WPL as it increases their participation. Trademarks that move non-stop and B2C and B2B between business roles are unclear, mainly because the company has received content from its user group as part of its brand.

Instagram is one of the easiest ways to use WPL to track your followers. Take, for example, Airbnb: they successfully use UGC successfully with existing customers and their re-published content (as described above). The housing market connects users directly with them or uses the #airbnb logo and asks for permission to use the feed in their feed.

  1. Get Live with Influential People

There is nothing reliable about your brand as a popular effect. The social impact of the media in 2019 is as important as in previous years. Live video is now widespread and everyone wants to have the ability to watch and connect in real time.

It is important to give a free license here to influence what they do best – affect people. It’s not like traditional marketing and there are no strict restrictions. Rather, users would be WPL, they want to see organic communication, so it’s better to let the influencers play freely.

  1. Have Visual Effects with Podcasts

All podcasts are small – now everyone seems to have one, including your cat. I really think the world should at some point release podcast formats and that’s a good reason: 64% of Americans are familiar with the “podcast” concept and now there are 630,000 different vodcasts available.

But how do you get podcasts and something else? The answer is a visual podcast, you think, Instagram.

Jeff Staple, the founder of visual communication company Staple Design, uses IGTV for the visual podcast. On the radio, the audience showed a small sample of the last interview and advertised it with some detailed animation. The viewer gets a clip and encourages them to watch the entire video.

  1. Improve Post Engagement with Motion Video

Freezing video can be a great way to create interesting and fun content with Instagram cameras.

It is also referred to as the cancellation of a video by holding the freezer at once while moving the physical part between the frames. When you play again, it creates an illusion.

Creating takes time, but with stop operations, the brand gives you the opportunity to play and create short, powerful videos that add fun to the cause. Fifty-five percent of people watch videos through social media without the importance of receiving messages.

  1. Instagram-Nametags with “old school” Techniques

Starting in 2019, more and more business methods are becoming an “old school” and the legacy of the heritage is over. Send a fax using a landline number – they all go to get to know the museum’s past.

But even in this new digital world, business card pressure is still high – last year, Instagram gave them new credibility. How can people click on the very important “Follow” button? This applies to Instagram Nametags.

Instagram Nametags is especially useful if you have a large clientele in business and online events. This feature allows you to create a scanned tag code that a new certificate can bring to your Instagram account with your application immediately.

Instagram Nametags is also customizable, which means you can customize it and let people promote your soda. You can even print them on a regular business card and give them a combination.

Author Bio:

Hi, this is Mike Bruno from California, USA. I am doing Post Graduation in Digital Media from the University of California. I am Professional Link builder at SEO Link Building Services – SEOServicesLand as well as I am a blogger. I had found interest in SEO at the age of 26 and I always believe in continuous reading to get success in any field. I am an eater, blogger, writer, and researcher. Follow me at Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.

How to Integrate Digital Marketing and Social Media Initiatives to Succeed Online Fri, 15 Feb 2019 06:14:58 +0000 There is no doubt that creating and maintaining a profitable digital business computer can be overwhelming – just avoid the need for constant content, but working to keep pace with the innovative speed of the best social networks is at work.

Only our insurance will change in today’s online environment – so how can we keep it? How do you get real online results? The answer is that you have to plan your work and develop your plan.

See the latest aspects of the social zoom method for more information on how to develop a precise technique for your digital market that develops and improves your performance.

In fact, social media cannot live on a remote island – it doesn’t help. It must be integrated with other digital and marketing plans, but most importantly, it must be based on the highest impact according to the client’s goals.

Do you know anyone who wants to remember that your brand must touch 6-7?


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Customer experience is all and all connections are important. Creating an unforgettable, smooth and fun experience for every audience, customer, or any social network or digital platform is easy, but it’s definitely worth investing.

If you are ready to start using your social and digital marketing to help you grow your business, you need to have a detailed plan that includes goals, goals, and performance criteria.

During this 25-minute premiere, you need to learn:

  • Why can’t you skip the planning process?
  • Why, if you want to succeed today, you need to develop a digital and social marketing plan
  • Importance of integrated marketing, including digital, social media, SEO, SMO, brand, e-marketing
  • Why “random marketing” (RAM) can harm your marketing
  • Avoid “randomized marketing methods” (RAM)
  • Know because you don’t know your customers or you are in your market
  • Know your proposal and individual market conditions
  • Set your brand goals for the next 3-18 months
  • How the right program helps you to be more cost-effective and more active (and idle)
  • Building a human brand requires appropriate planning, audience science and taking them
  • Tips for supporting the program

Author Bio:

Tina John is from California, USA and she is doing a Masters from California Institute of Education in Technical Content Writing. Tina also works at Backlinks Agency who offers Best Link Building Service and Tina is fond of lead generation via quality backlinks.

Google Offers a Public End Date for Google+ Sat, 02 Feb 2019 18:26:13 +0000 Google social media attempt failed, Google+ ended.

Indeed, “failure” seems a bit complicated – Google launches a series of very similar communities, but not enough to keep Google alive.

You may recall that in October, Google announced the upcoming G + closure in August 2019, followed by inaccurate privacy behind the update instructions to speed up the end of April. Google + Final Public Date is now locked – April 2, 2019. Day Cylchoedd ends.


As Google explained:

“April 2, your Google+ account and all of the Google pages you create are closed, we’re getting rid of Google user account accounts. It will also release an album and your Google+ page will save Google+ photos and videos.”

If you would like to store G + content, download and store your content here. Please note that images and videos that support Google images will not be deleted.

“Deleting content from a Google+ user account, Google+ pages, and photo album albums will take several months, content may be present. For example, users may have multiple users through activation files, and Google + may view some of the contents of a Google+ account. You’ll still see content before deleting Google+ users.”

In other words, after April 2, Google+ may be a floating online spirit for some time, but they do it – spirit. The place no longer exists. It’s time to say goodbye.

Google also noted that owners and administrators of the Google+ community can download and save data, including other downloads since March 2019, “including the author, body, and image of each community in the community.”

“If you use the Google+ sign-in button to visit and use the website, these buttons will no longer work in the coming weeks but may be replaced by the Google sign-in button. In some cases, you can see your signature using the Google button, you can use your Google Account.”

Basically, Google + closes and all G + connections are no longer running slowly. This may be your site’s email address and relevant contact information – if you are a social media consultant, you may want to remove the G + link as soon as possible, otherwise, you may be able to contact the latest developments.

Like Google+, Google has worked to add social search capabilities to deliver more business opportunities to its core products. Not the same, it is not a social network, it is very sad to see all the communities that affect the stage. But now is the time for you to be ready.

The analysis at the end of G + is now in the final stages.

Author Bio:

Daisy Walker is doing Master of Philosophy in Media Science from the University of California and this is her 5th year. She is a used to write an article for SEO Link Building Services. She is a brilliant life trainer as well.
